Yufei Pan
Master of Science in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) at University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Computer & Info Science (Artificial Intelligence) at Ohio State University (minoring city and regional planning)
I am currently working as an ASML HPC engineer in San Jose.
Love writing automation scripts and hoping to open source my cluster automation scripts soon....
Deep understating of modern operation systems, automation, networking, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence.
Ability and extensive exprience managing, automating, and controling high performance clusters using automation scripts. Developed self-healing automation scripts functioning as limited state machines that got depolyed on dedicated HPC clusters for cutting edge wafer inspection tools, raising their uptime significantly.
Ability and extensive experience with various libraries and algorithms related to AI, able to use Tensorflow, PyTorch, Sklearn and related tools training models solving real world problems.
Ability and extensive experience configuring, operating and maintaining clients and servers using various Linux distros (RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, Arch) and Windows and MAC operating systems with experience defending and penetrate testing. Also experienced packaging, deploying and maintaining customized Docker containers.
Ability and experience doing dynamic responsive website development either from frameworks like Django, Flask and Angular or from scratch using jQuery and express with axios running in Node.js
Ability and experience doing modern android development with android studio and various plug-ins for responsive apps.
Ability and experience doing fast paced agile software development in theoretical and practical trainings.
Ability and experience programming in Python, JS, JAVA, Kotlin, Ruby on Rail, C, etc.
Fluent in English, Chinese, able to speak Japanese
Currently employed as HPC engineer.
Developed CAS Cluster Automation System to automate cluster operations minimizing downtime and human intervention. Built automation script lib to support cluster automation scripts.
CAS system is designed to enable all personal (including less technicly abled ones) to complete following tasks quickly and effortlessly
change config
start / stop
image ( clone )
live restore
CAS system critical modules / libs include
AT Automated Test - Script for Automated Tests using TSV definition files
ABS Automatic Boot Sequence - Script to boot entire cluster automaticly with action - test - validate model using TSV files.
ARS Automatic Recovery Service - Script to recover system if test failed and transition system into states.
Auto Backups - Backup using HPCP diff backup feature
FSB Flexec SSH Backend (lib) - AT/ABS/ARS backend wrapping MSSH, FAB Flexec Ansible Backend also available
MSSH MultiSSH - Execute multiple ssh commands at the same time and use curses to monitor all of them intuitively live. Also able to send (buffered) keystrocks to multiple hosts simutaniously.
HPCP Highly Paralleled CoPy - Highly paralleled copy using cp / xcopy for RAID / SSD with live progress bar.
IOTest - High performance minimal io benchmark
TL TeeLogger - Log and also print to screen with color
TSVZ TSV Zed - Read / Write TSV, Also able to use one as a in memory delayed sync key-value database.
GL Gather Logs - Automatic script to gather all related information for a cluster and package them for send back for analysis
CIF Common Install Framework - Common install framework for install / update packages. support rpm, pip, binary, python scripts.
FireWatch - A script watching journald for tsv defined patterns and log down +- n minutes of logs surround the captured patterns. ( grep but give time based context )
Many more stuff : ) Please ask me for details if you are interested.
At SS8 Networks Inc. ,
Completed half year internship with hands on experience with company projects involving Legal Intercepting Software.
Done scripts simulating, generating, capturing RADIUS traffic, simulating router CLI, server management and deployment in RHEL.
At The Ohio State University,
Being student instructional assist for CSE 2431 System II: Operating Systems for two semesters across 4 sections.
Completed various practices during course works at OSU with five dean’s list qualifications and an overall/major GPA of 3.72/3.84
Participating in the Cincinnati Zoo’s project designing and building automatic RFID involved feeding scheduling and information recording system. In particular, designed, developed and deployed the physical system hosting on many Raspberry Pi 4s interpreting instructions and data from multiple RFID antenna and backend server, executing tasks to multiple feeders, recording to internal database while automatically maintaining system autonomy and integrity even if server is disconnected or file is corrupted. Also responsible for creating a docker container for easy deployment hosting a Django server and database created by teammates.
Participating in a project at OSU creating a containerized IOT honeypot and gathering hacker data via hidden loggers. Responsible for creating loggers gathering data from the docker container and KVM and storing them to a hidden secure database. Also responsible for renting and setting up the Kernel Virtual Machine we are using as well as the docker environment for the simulated IOT device.
Practice hardening and defending operating systems at OSU VMWare environment from other students during information security project course.
Created a script for easily retrain a GPT-2 model using provided text library for generating text from prompt during speech & language processing.
Done CS courses:
AI related: Applied Natural Language Processing (master); Machine Learning (master); Speech & language processing; Advanced Artificial Intelligence; Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (master); Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Information Security related: Information Security; Information Security projects
Network & web related: Web Technologies (master); Project: Web APPs; Computer Networking
Practical software engineering related: Capstone: software apps; Software Requirement Analysis; Software Engineering Techniques; Compare Operating Systems;Analysis of Algorithms (master); Automata and Formal Languages; Social Ethical Issues; Database Systems (master)
CS basics: Operating Systems I,II; Foundations I,II; Software I,II; Java
At Suzhou Snail Digital Technology Co., Ltd,
Software developer intern for a summer
Developed a webpage-based client doing only Peer to Peer instant messaging app for internal communications within the company.
At Laser Additive Manufacturing Lab at Suzhou University
Software Research intern for a summer
Participated in a project experimented with the Directed Energy Deposition (DED) method for rapid metal prototyping (commonly known as Metal 3D printing). It uses sustained high-power laser beam and metal powder jet to achieve rapid manufacturing of high strength alloy metal prototypes).
Helped to develop an online CCD-observing system that monitors pool status at the depositing site.
<product name redacted> CAS
Briefed above. Ask me for more details
Since the earlier release of Stable Diffusion this year, several web ui have poped out on the internet, But almost all of them focused for single client local operation for stable diffusion. This project is aimed to create a RESTful, simple, easy to use web ui that is suitable for deployment on servers serving many clients. Still under development now.
Skills involved: Stable Diffusion; Flask; HTML5; CSS; jQuery
• RADIUS Traffic Simulator – At SS8 Networks Inc.
It consists a server and multiple clients running freeRADIUS. They will use scripts I wrote to simulate legit RADIUS traffic complete with client ID and mock traffic data. Traffic is then captured using wireshark and replayed on our test network to test our product before handing over to customer. Project have information specific to customer and stored in company database thus no links here.
Skills involved: Python; WireShark; FreeRADIUS
This is a CLI interface completely written in python in order to simulate the NOKIA VSIM interface for their high performance routers. Our company product will interact (SSH into) with such interface and configure parameters and targets in it. I was tasked to create such a simulated interface so we can test functionality of our product. Interface completely written in python and will give desired output when given input. Able to function standalone and running in Docker container and able to function as a interface over SSH.
Also able to store configured data in csv for verification. Program uses stacked folder structure and multiple standalone scripts to simulate bizarre behavior of said interface. Project have customer information and stored on company server thus no links here
Skills involved: Python
As described above in experience section, an automated complex trigge feeder system was developed
Skills involved: Python; Django; Raspberry Pi; systemd
As described above, a project focused to gather data about hackers we lured with an honeypot on my rented VPS.